This edition of American Pie struggles to find its voice, much like the protagonists in this conflict, shoe-wearing apes.

Pasaquan is the spiritual enclave, homestead, and studio imagined and executed by Eddie Owens Martin. Located deep in the Georgia woods and even deeper in our psyches, Pasaquan is an artistic, philosophical, and ethical statement. An interview with Eddie, also known as St. EOM, forms the text of this issue. You'll come to see him as deluded and wise and damaged and enlightened.

Parisians see their city as a measuring stick of human achievement and nothing less. Born of conflict and uneasy resolution, Paris can be seen as a battleground where religion and engineering have simultaneously been mortal enemies and co-conspirators. Think of those cathedrals, and of those monarchs who gave and took so much to build them. Picture I.M. Pei's 20th century addition to the 12th century fortress, now the Louvre. Paris is a city of conflicting ideas, woven into fabrics, layered over each other, so that you can see it all when the light shines through.